2024-2026 Strategic Plan



1.     Increase fund-raising capacity and success so every suitable Direct-To-Teacher Grant request can be funded.

  • Develop and facilitate a robust fundraising strategy incorporating multiple revenue streams, including individual donations, grants, and sponsorships.

  • Increase unrestricted funding by 20% annually to reach $180,000 of annual unrestricted funding by December 2026.

  • Cultivate relationships with a broad base of donors, including individuals, foundations, corporations, small businesses, and government agencies, to reduce reliance on any single funding source.

  • Implement sustainable fundraising practices focused on long-term donor engagement and retention.

 2.     Grow our network of supporters resulting in increased donations, grant and scholarship application submissions, and the number of engaged event attendees.

  • Expand the reach of the organization's messaging to a wider audience, focusing on individuals who may be previously unfamiliar with our mission (specifically targeting community partners and district families).

  • Identify and collaborate with individuals (specifically targeting leadership, administrators, and educators) and organizations with influence in the San Juan Unified community who can help amplify our message.

  • Provide meaningful and diverse opportunities for stakeholders to get involved with the Foundation based on their interests, skills, and availability.

 3.     Build our reputation and expand our influence through improved storytelling, enhanced marketing tactics, and an evaluation and overhaul of our funding programs.

  • Craft and deliver a clear, compelling narrative communicating the organization's mission, impact, and values.

  • Foster deeper connections with supporters and stakeholders who resonate with the organization's mission leading to increased engagement.

  • Ensure investments effectively meet the needs of schools, educators, students, and funders.

 4.     Strengthen organizational health resulting in an organization not dependent on a single funder, program, staff person, board member or partner for its overall success and long-term stability.

  • Solidify business practices that can support a multitude of organizational structures, such as: partnership with San Juan Unified, partnership with a like organization, independent.

  • Recruit, train, and retain a diverse and engaged board of directors with varied expertise, networks, and perspectives to provide effective oversight and strategic guidance.

Adopted by the Board of Directors on June 27, 2024


A San Juan Unified where funding is not a barrier to equitable opportunity and access.


Agile - We pivot quickly with care to meet the needs of our community.

Bold - We ask hard questions and are unafraid to try new things.

Generous - We give our time, talent, and treasure freely.

 Optimistic - We believe resources, opportunities, and possibilities are plentiful.

Spirited - We are enthusiastic and determined to make an impact.


To harness the combined power of philanthropy and partnership to propel student achievement and enrich the lives of educators.